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Rhinoplasty, Only I Lose if I Don't Know!! Which Nose Suits My Face?
2024-07-15 09:44:32


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※ Plastic surgery may cause side effects such as inflammation, bleeding, bruising, and nerve damage, depending on the individual.
※ The photos used in this video were used with the patient's consent.

For those considering rhinoplasty,
most don't know what a pretty nose line is,
"Make it pretty but not obvious,"
"Make the tip of my nose glamorous,"
they express it like this.

Usually, nose lines are categorized into
four types: "Seagull nose, semi-seagull nose, straight-seagull nose, and straight nose."
The features of each nose line will be explained using famous celebrities' noses as examples.
Dr. Kang Hyung-joo from Jayjun plastic surgery will explain in detail.

Find the nose line that suits you!
It's your loss if you don't know before rhinoplasty!! Check it out in the video now!!

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