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Thread Lift Gone Wrong? Watch This!
2024-07-05 16:13:08


#ThreadLifting #SideEffects #Lifting


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   / @jayjunplasticsurgery9968  


※ Plastic surgery may cause inflammation, bleeding, bruising, and nerve damage depending on the individual, so please be cautious.



Today, we talked about dimples, a typical side effect of thread lifting.  

Thread lifting was once very popular but has considerably cooled off recently.  

The main reason is the perception that it is ineffective or has severe side effects. 


Moreover, the demand is gradually decreasing as alternatives like facelift surgery or laser lifting treatments become more prevalent.  


However, it is true that thread lifting has its significant advantages.  

Also, thread lifting side effects are not as common as thought, and most can be easily resolved.  

Check out the details in the video!!


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